About Me

There has to be a thin girl stuck in this fat girl's body...at least it is roomy in here :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Changing it up!

Okay, so the winter "doldrums" have really set in. I get the faintest scent of warm weather, start to breathe deeply and then KAPOW! it's gone! I am SAD (as in seasonal affective disorder ..clever huh, or maybe just a bit lame). So when the blues hit this also means I eat...a lot..and junkily. I am pretty sure that junkily is not a word, but I said it out loud and it made me giggle so I am going with it.
Hey! Gummy bears, why don't you let me eat you, big bowl of ice cream get your cold, creamy goodness over here, McDonald's I would like some of you! (uh, yeah, I went to McD's and ate their delicious, if questionable, beef covered in cheese delights and followed them with deep-fried potato sticks). Yes, yes, I did just script out my conversations I have with food...
By describing the cheeseburgers and fries like that makes me feel a little less guilt about succumbing to the temptation and it allows me to admit that I did it. Okay, yes, I know that I shouldn't be depriving myself of cravings, but I know that I wasn't really craving McDonald's, it was just easy and would be cheap and would mean that I wouldn't have to get out of my car. THAT IS SO RIDICULOUS!! I could pretend that it was cold outside so drive-thru was the only way to go, but we all know that is just a huge load of bunk...aaaaand now I feel like a huge load.
So, knowing that I am excusing and rationalizing the drive-thru excursion I am trying to get back into gear by admitting my little (big) slip to more than just myself.
Another thing I did was change my blog design...sooooo springish! For a girl who loves winter and cold weather (helps keep the drenching sweat at bay) it doesn't mean that I am finding the a**-load of snow refreshing and wonderful. I am downright FED UP with it! So I'm thinking spring and getting back on track and maybe I will slash my tires so I the chances of making it through the drive-thru are greatly reduced :)
Thanks for reading dudes!


  1. I love the new design. It makes me hopefull for spring! I hear you. I have been eating junkily for 10 days on vacation. I need to get back on track! We can do this!!!

    PS. You seriously need to read Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster. It is so funny. Your writing reminds me of her. So candid and honest. Love it!

  2. Bah. You're no huge load. :) SURE, the McD's wasn't the best choice, but these things happen. The only thing you can do is go "whoops, dang" and move on to the next day. Promise to put some extra carrots into your lunch bag (or celery, as it should truly be negative Points to eat those suckers!) and pat yourself on the back for the RIGHT move. Being positive is neat!

    PS - I'm digging the new look! Fresh and bright.
