About Me

There has to be a thin girl stuck in this fat girl's body...at least it is roomy in here :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ughh, i'm siiiiick

I'm sick! Not just a little cough and runny nose (which yes, I know, still means you're sick, buuuut...I mean nasty SICK) gross, stomach-gurgling, rancid burping, joint-aching sick.
Yes, I know it sounds like I am complaining, but really I am just telling it like it is. I feel like someone took one of those mallets a person uses to test their strength at the county fair and tested it on me....on my head, thereby compressing all my joints so it feels like I may have gotten about 6 inches shorter. Even my knuckles hurt, making this post a slow-going affair.
Why am I writing then you ask? Well, because when I am not feeling well, then any idea of trying to eat well goes right out the window. I just want to lay down and drink diet soda (the clear varieties of course) and when my stomach starts to feel up to it I want to devour carbs (such as saltines and toast). Now this doesn't sound so bad, but 5 saltines are worth 2 points. I don't stop at 5, I can finish off more than a couple of sleeves during the recovery period...equaling about 25-30 points (I am totally just shooting from the cuff with those calculations because I dread moving from this place on the couch trying to stretch out the joints). That sure doesn't make for a balanced meal at any time of the day and trying to get the body to adjust to real food takes a bit of work and who wants to do work?
So by writing this, it's giving me a reminder that in order to feel better I might want to think about what "sick" foods I eat and tweak it. Tthe experiment begins...just had some lettuce, carrots and a small amount of egg whites...we will see how that sits, but I already feel better because I know the proteins and veggies at least give me a little bit of a jumpstart. So maybe I am just talking myself into feeling better, but if eating a little better while I am sick actually helps me mentally feel better, then that has to be a good thing right?
Anyone have any good sick foods or feel-good, low-key activities?

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