About Me

There has to be a thin girl stuck in this fat girl's body...at least it is roomy in here :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't know what to say...

I'm embarrassed...I am having trouble keeping within my daily (and weekly) points this week. I am not exactly sure what my trigger is, but my willpower has gone right out the window and I am having trouble reeling myself back into a place of control.
Basically I need help...I reached out to a friend (thanks Anne) when I was feeling a big-time binge coming on and was able to curb it, but my portions have ballooned and I am eating so fast that I am not letting myself get full.
HELP!! Any words of advice out there? Or activities I can do that will keep my mind off food?
Right now I am going to go take a bath and focus on relaxing to get a good night's sleep.
Seriously though, I need help

1 comment:

  1. I am TOTALLY with you right now!! I can't seem to stop shoving stuff into my mouth. Especially stuff that I really don't need to be taking down. Maybe it's just a matter of remembering the goal, and mentally slapping ourselves like we're telling a woman to GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF in a 50s movie. :) For me, it's been that I haven't gotten it together and planned out my meals and grocery shopping. I've found that's a HUGE part of my success with food. If I know what I'm going to eat before I get hungry, it seems to work out a lot better - there's no room to go "ohhhhhh, what's for dinner? Little Caesars again? Awesome!" Perhaps we need to pick up hobbies?
